Umar r.a, of whom all the Muslims are justly proud and the disbelievers still dread, was most adamant in opposing the Prophet s.a.w and very prominent in persecuting the Muslims before he embraced to Islam. One day, the Quraysh in meeting called for somebody to volunteer himself for the assassination of the Prophet s.a.w. Umar offered himself for this job, at which everybody exclaimed:
“Surely, you can do it, Umar!”
Whith sword hanging from his neck, he set out straight away on his sinister errand. On his way he met Saad bin Abi Waqqas of Zuhrah clan. Saad inquired:
“Whither! Umar?”
Umar : “I am after finishing Muhammad.”
Saad: “But do not you see that Bani Hashim, Bani Zuhrah and Bani Abdul Manaf are likely to kill you in retaliation?”
Umar: “It seems that you also have renounced the religion of your forefathers. Let me settle with you first.”
So saying, Umar drew out his sword. Saad announcing his Islam, also took out his sword. They were about to start a duel when Saad said:
“You had better first set your own house in order. Your sister and brother-in-law both have accepted Islam”
Hearing this, Umar flew into a towering rage and turned his steps towards his sister’s house. The door of the house was bolted from inside and both husband and wife were receiving lessons in the Quran from Khabbab r.a. Umar knocked at the door and shouted for his sister to open it. Khabbab r.a hearing the voice of Umar hid himself in some inner room, forgetting to take the manuscript pages of the Holy Quran with him. When the sister opened the door, Umar hit her on the head, saying:
“O, enemy of yourself. You too have renounced your religion.”
Her head began to bleed. He then went inside and inquired, “ What were you doing?” And who was the stranger I heard from outside?” His brother-in-law replied, “We were talking to each other.” Umar said to him, “ Have you also forsaken the creed of your forefathers and gone over to the new religion?” The brother-in-law replied, “But what if the new religion be the better and true one?” Umar got beside himself with rage and fell on him, pulling his bread and beating him most savagely. When her sister intervened, he smote her so violently on her face that bled most profusely. She was, after all, Umar sister; she burst out:
“Umar! We are beaten only because we have become Muslims. Listen! We are determined to die as Muslims. You are free to do whatever you like.”
When Umar had cooled down and felt a bit ashamed over his sister’s bleeding, his eyes fell on the pages of the Quran left behind by Khabbab r.a. He said, “Alright, show me, what are these?” “No.” said the sister, “You are unclean and no unclean person can touch the Scripture.” He insisted, but the sister was not prepared to allow him to touch the leaves unless he washed his body. Umar at last gave in. He washed his body and then began to read the leaves. It was Surah “Thoha”. He started from the beginning of the Surah, and he was changed man altogether when he came to the verse”
“Lo! I, indeed I am Allah. There is none worthy of worship save Me. So serve Me and establish Solat for My remembrance.”
Umar said: “Alright, take me to Muhammad s.a.w.”
On hearing this Khabbab r.a came out from inside and said:
“O, Umar! Glad tidings for you. Yesterday (on Thursday night) the Prophet s.a.w prayed to Allah, “O, Allah strengthen Islam with either Umar or Abu Jahal, whomsoever Thou likest.” It seems that his prayer has been answered in you favour.”
Umar then went to Prophet s.a.w and embraced Islam on Friday morning. Umar’s Islam was a terrible blow to the morale of unbelievers, but still the Muslims were few in number and the whole country was agains them. The disbelievers intensified their efforts for the complete annihilation of Muslims and the extinction of Islam. With Umar r.a on their side, the Muslims now started saying their Solat in Haram. Abdullah bin Mas’ood says:
“Umar’s Islam was a big triumph, his emigration to Madinah a tremendous reinforcement and his accession to the Caliphate a great blessing for the Muslims.”
assassination, religion, forefathers, manuscript, Holy Quran, Muhammad, big triumph, Caliphate
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Umar r.a (Radhiallahu anhu) Coming To Islam
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10:30 PM
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