The kalimah Thoiyiebah means that nobody is worthy of worship except Allah. The words “ma min ilahi ghoi ruh” and “La ila ha illa huwa” and “La nak budu illallah” also carry the same meaning. Similarly “La nak budu illa eeyah” (We do not worship anybody other than Allah) and “Ilma huwa ilahuuwahid” (He is the only one worthy of worship) also mean the same thing. There are others similar ayat, which imply the same meaning as of kalimah Thoiyiebah. The surah in which each such ayat occurs has been indicated below, so that if desired one may be able to look up the translation of the Quran. In fact, the whole of the Holy Quran is an explanation of the kalimah Thoiyiebah, because the basic objective of the Holy Quran and of the Deen of Islam is Tauheed. It is to propagate Tauheed the messengers of Allah were sent to people at different time. Tauheed is the common objective of all the revealed religions and for this reason the subject of Tauheed has all along been dealt with under different headings to establish its truth. The same Tauheed is therefore the object of Kalimah Thoiyiebah.
1. Your Allah is one Allah. There is no god save Him; most beneficent the Merciful (Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 163)
2. There is no God but He – The Living, Eternal. (Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 225)
3. There is no God but He – The Living, Eternal. (Surah Ale-Imran, ayat 2)
4. Allah, Himself is witness, there is no God but He. The angels and the men of learning too are withness. (Surah Ale-Imran, ayat 18)
5. There is no God but He – The Exalted in Power, The Wise. (Surah Ale-Imran, ayat 18)
6. There is no God save Allah and Allah is The Exalted in Power, The Wise. (Surah Ale-Imran, ayat 62)
7. Come to an agreement between us and you, that we shall worship none but Allah. (Surah Ale-Imran, ayat 64)
8. Allah! There is no God but He; of surenty, He will gather you together on the Day of Judgement. (Surah An-Nisa, Ayat 87)
9. There is no God save One Allah. (Surah Al-Maidah, ayat 76)
10. Say. In truth He is the One Allah. (Surah An’am, ayat 18)
11. Who – a God other than Allah, could restore them to you. (Surah An’am, ayat 46)
12. That is Allah, your Lord. There is no God save Him. (Surah An’am, ayat 102)
13. There is no God save Allah and turn away from those joints Gods with Allah. (Surah An’am, ayat 106)
14. He said; shall I seek for you a god other than Allah. (Surah A’iraaf, ayat 140)
15. There is no God save He (Allah). It is He that gives both life and death. (Surah A’iraaf, ayat 185)
16. There were commanded to worship but one Allah. There is no God save He (Allah). (Surah At-Taubah, ayat 31)
17. Allah suffices me. There is no God save He (Allah). He is the Lord of the Tremendous Throne. (Surah At-Taubah, ayat 129)
18. This is Allah, your Lord. Him, therefore you should worship. (Surah Yunus, ayat 3)
19. Such is Allah, your real Sustainer. (Surah Yunus, ayat 32)
20. He said, there is no God except Him (Allah), in Whom the Children of Israel believe and I am of those who submit unto Him. (Surah Yunus, ayat 90)
21. I worship not what you worship others than Allah. (Surah Yunus, ayat 104)
22. Know you that this revelation is sent down in the knowledge of Allah and there is no God save Him (Allah). (Surah Hud, ayat 14)
23. That ye serve none but Allah. (Surah Hud, ayat 26)
24. He said, “O my people worship Allah, you love no other than God but Him. (Surah Hud, ayat 50)
25. He said, “O my people worship Allah, you love no other than God but Him. (Surah Hud, ayat 61)
26. He said, “O my people worship Allah, you love no other than God but Him. (Surah Hud, ayat 84)
27. Are maby Lords differing among themselves better or the One Allah, The Omnipotent Allah. (Surah Yusuf, ayat 39)
28. He has commanded that you worship none but Him. (Surah Yusuf, ayat 40)
29. Say, “He is my Lord, there is no God but He (Allah). (Surah Ar-Ra’d, ayat 30)
30. And left them know that he (Allah) is only one God. (Surah Ibrahim, ayat 52)
31. There is no God but, I so do your duty unto Me. (Surah An-Nehal, ayat 2)
32. Your Allah is one Allah. (Surah An-Nehal, ayat 22)
33. He is just one Allah. (Surah An-Nehal, ayat 51)
34. And do not set up with Allah any other God. (Surah Bani Israel, ayat 39)
35. Say if there had been others gods with Him (Allah), as they say. (Surah Bani Israel, ayat 42)
36. They said, “ Our Lord is the Lord of the Heavens and of the Earth. Never shall we call upon any god others than Him (Allah).
(Surah Al-Kahfi, ayat 14)
37. There are people who chosen others gods beside Him (Allah). (Surah Al-Kahfi, ayat 15)
38. The Revelation has come to me that your Allah in one Allah. (Surah Al-Kahfi, ayat 110)
39. Verily. Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him. (Surah Maryam, ayat 36)
40. Allah! There is no god but He (Allah). (Surah At-Thoha, ayat 8)
41. Verily, I am Allah. There is no god but, I. So serve Me. (Surah At-Thoha, ayat 14)
42. But the god of you all is the one Allah: There is no god but He. (Surah At-Thoha, ayat 98)
43. If there were (in the Heavens and Earth) other gods beside Allah, there would have been disorder in boyh of them. (Surah Anbiiya, ayat 22)
44. Have they taken for worship gods besides Him (Allah). (Surah Anbiiya, ayat 24)
45. It was revealed by Us (Allah) to him (the Apostle) that there were is no god but, I (Allah). (Surah Anbiiya, ayat 25)
46. Or have they gods who can shield them from us? (Surah Anbiiya, ayat 43)
47. Do you worship besides Allah things that can neither be any good to you, nor do you harm? (Surah Anbiiya, ayat 66)
48. There is no god save Thou; Glory to Thee. (Surah Anbiiya, ayat 87)
49. What has come to me by revelation is that your Allah is one Allah. (Surah Anbiiya, ayat 108)
50. Your Allah is one Allah, submit unto Him. (Surah Al-Haj, ayat 34)
51. Worship Allah, you have no other god but Him (Allah). (Surah Al-Mukminuun, ayat 23)
52. Worship Allah, you have no other god but Him (Allah). (Surah Al-Mukminuun, ayat 32)
53. Nor is there any god along with Him. (Surah Al-Mukminuun, ayat 91)
54. Therefore Allah, Exalted, the True King! There is no god save Him (Allah). (Surah Al-Mukminuun, ayat 114)
55. If any one invokes any other god besides Allah, he has no authority therefore. His rekoning is only with Lord. (Surah Al-Mukminuun, ayat 117)
56. Can there be another god beside Allah? (Surah An-Naml, ayat 64)
57. And He is Allah. There is no god but He. To Him be praise. (Surah Al-Qosas, ayat 70)
58. Is there other than Allah, who can give you a night. (Surah Al-Qosas, ayat 71)
59. And call not, beside Allah, on any other god. There is no god but He (Allah). (Surah Al-Qosas, ayat 88)
60. And our Allah and your Allah is One. (Surah Al-Ankabut, ayat 46)
61. There is no god save Allah. How then are you deluded. (Surah Al-Fathir, ayat 3)
62. Lo! Thy Lord is surely One. (Surah As-Syafaat, Ayat 4)
63. For when it was said unto them, there is god, save Allah. They were scornful. (Surah As-Syafaat, Ayat 35)
64. Maketh he the gods One Allah? (Surah Shod, Ayat 5)
65. There is no god save Allah, the One, the Irresistible. (Surah Shod, Ayat 65)
66. He is Allah, the One, the Irresistible. (Surah Az-Zumar, Ayat 4)
67. Such is Allah, your Lord and Cherisher. His is the Sovereignty. There is no god save Him. (Surah Az-Zumar, Ayat 6)
68. There is no got save Him (Allah), to Him is the final goal. (Surah Al-Mukmin, Ayat 3)
69. There is no god save Allah. How then are you deluded? (Surah Al-Mukmin, Ayat 62)
70. He is the living (one). There is no god but He. Call upon Him. (Surah Al-Mukmin, Ayat 65)
71. It is revealed to me that your god is one Allah. (Surah Al-Fusshilat, Ayat 6)
72. Worship Ye none but Allah. (Surah Al-Fusshilat, Ayat 14)
73. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. (Surah As-Shura, ayat 15)
74. Did we appoint gods to be worshipped beside the beneficent? (Surah Az-Zukhruf, Ayat 45).
75. The Lord of Heavens and the Earth and all between them. (Surah Ad-Dukhan, ayat 7)
76. There is no god but He. It is He who gives life and gives death. (Surah Ad-Dukhan, ayat 8)
77. Worship ye none other than Allah. (Surah Al-Ahqaf, ayat 21)
78. So know (O Muhammad ) that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah. (Surah Muhammad, Ayat 19)
79. And set not up (or worship) any other god along with Allah [Glorified be He (Alone), Exalted above all that they associate as partners with Him]. Verily, I (Muhammad ) am a plain warner to you from Him.. (Surah Az-Zariyat, ayat 51).
80. He is Allah, than Whom there is none has the right to be worshipped but He. (Surah Al-Hashr, ayat 22)
81. We are guiltless of you and all that you worship beside Allah. (Surah Al-Mumtahanah, ayat 4)
82. Allah! There is no god but He. (Surah At-Taghabun, ayat 13)
83.He is the Lord of the east and the west; there is no god but He (Allah). (Surah Al-Muzzammil, ayat 9)
84. I worship not that which ye worship, nor will your worship that which I worship. (Surah Al-Kafirun, ayat 2-3)
85. Say: He is Allah, The One and Only. (Surah Al-Ikhlas)
The above are eighty five verses, in which text of Kalimah Thoiyiebah or its equivalent in meaning has occurred. There are still many more verses, which equally convey the same sense and meaning of Kalimah Thoiyiebah as I have stated is the beginning. The Tauheed is the fundamental basic of Deen. And therefore the more acquainted a man is with the requirements of Tauheed, the more steadfast he shall be in Deen. Tauheed in the Holy Quran has been described from various view points and various manner and aspects, so that it many penetrate through the very depths of the heart; so it firmly settles there, leaving no room for anything else to enter.
Tag :religion, Holy Quran, Muhammad, Allah
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Kalimah Thoiyiebah (La ila ha il lallah)
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12:28 AM
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