From Ibnu Umar r.a narrates that Rasullullah s.a.w said ; “Hasad (jealousy) is not permitted except in respect of two person – one whom Allah blesses with recitation of Quran and he remains engaged in it day and night, and the others who is a lot of wealth by Allah and he spends it day and night”
On the authority of many ayat of the Quran and numerous hadith, hasad is an evil and is absolutely forbidden. This hadith, however, appears to permit hasad in respect of two person. Because there are many well know traditions dealing with hasad, the ulama (plural of alim – religious scholar) have interpreted this hadith in two ways. Firstly, hasad as denoted by arabic word (ghibtah), is taken here in the sense of emulation. There is a difference between jealousy and emulation. Hasad is desire that one possessing a blessing should be deprived of it; whether the person who feels jealous acquires it or not, while emulation signifies a desire to possess a thing, whether the actual owner is deprived of it or not. Since hasad is haram (religiously unlawful) under ijma (consensus of opinion), the ulama (Islamic religious scholar) have translated, by way of metaphor, this word hasad as ghibtah, meaning emulation. Ghibtah is permissible in worldly affairs and commendable in religious matters.
The second interpretation is that the term hasad has been used in a hypothetical sense, i.e., if hasad has were permissible it would have been so with regard to the two persons mentioned above.
Prophet Muhammad, jealousy, Allah, Evil, scholar
Friday, December 21, 2007
Two Things For Which Jealousy Is Permissible
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8:07 PM
Solat (praying) is a Pillar of Islam
Abdullah bin Umar r.a narrates that he heard the Rasullullah (Prophet) s.a.w saying:
“Islam is founded on five pillars: bearing witness that there are no God but Allah and Muhammad s.a.w is His servant and apostle; establishment of solat; paying of zakat; performance of Hajj; and fasting in Ramadhan.”
The Prophet s.a.w has compared Islam to a canopy resting on five supports. The Kalimah is the central support and the other four pillar of Islam are so to say, the remaining four supports is missing a collapse will result in the defective corner. Now let us judge for ourselves how far we have kept up the canopy of Islam. Is there really any pillar that is being held in its proper place?
The five pillars of Islam mentioned in this hadith signify the most essential duties of a Muslim. Although a Muslim cannot do without any one of them, yet solat in Islam occupies a position next only to iman. Abdullah bin Mas’ood r.a says:
“Once, I inquired of the Holy Prophet s.a.w, which act (of man) was the dearest to Allah. The Prophet replied, “Solat”. I then inquired which act come next (in order of merit) and the Prophet replied, “kindness to parents”. I again asked what was next and he answered “jihad”. “
Mullah Ali Qari (Rahmatullah Alaih) has quote this hadith in support of the belief that Solat is the most important religious duty after iman. This is further corroborated by a hadith, in which the Holy Prophet s.a.w is reported to have said:
“Solat is the best of all that has been ordained by Allah.”
Prophet Muhammad, praying, Allah, Zakat, Hajj, Fasting, Ramadhan
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10:53 AM