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Monday, December 17, 2007

Foreword - The virtues of The Holy Quran

In the name of Allah, the most benevolent and the the most merciful.

All praise be to Allah, who created man, gave him the gift of expression and revealed for him the Holly Quran, which is a source of advice, healing guidance and mercy for those who have faith. The quran contains nothing that is doubtful or crooked. It is absolutely straight, an authority and “Nur” (enligtenment) for the belivers. Abundant and perfect salutation be on Muhammad Rasullullah s.a.w (Sallaallaho alaihe wassalam-Blessings and peace from Allah be upon him), the person who is the best af all creation, whose “Nur” illuminated the hearts of the living and their graves after death, whose appearance was a bounty for the whole universe. Peace be upon his descendants and companions, who are the stars of the guidance and propagators of the Holly Quran and also upon those believers who are their followers in faith.

Before proceeding, it seems desirable to mention first some of the requirements of decorum for reading of the first some of the Holly Quran; because as admitted.

“One who is devoid of revence misses Allah’s special favour.”

In brief, the essence of all the rules of reverence is to considers the Glorius Quran as the words of the Almighty Allah, Whom we worship and as the word of One Whom we love and seek.

Rules of Reverence For Reading The Holly Quran

After cleaning the teeth with miswak (agreentwig of special varieties of trees used brusing the teeth) and humility and face towards qiblah (direction towards Kaabah in Mecca). Then, with attentive heart, deep devetion and zest befitting the occasion, one should recite, imagining all the time that he is reciting it to Almighty Allah. If one understands the meaning, one should pause and reflect on ayat (plural of ayat – a verse of the Quran) of promise and mercy and should beg for His forgivensess and compassion. On ayat of punishment and admonition, one should seek His refuge, as except Him there is no Helper. On ayat pertaining to his Majesty and Sanctity, one should say “Subhanaallah” (Glory to Allah). If one doest not spontaneously shed tears while reading the book, one must induce one self to weep a little.

“For a lover, the moments of greatest pleasure are those when, in the presence of his beloved, he is full of self reproach and shedding tears profusely.”

One should not read fast unless one desire to memorize it. The Quran should be placed in a slightly elevated position on a wooden stand or a pillow. One should not talk to others during recitation. If one is forced by necessity to speak to some one, it should be done after first closing the book, and then recited Ta’awudh (seeking refuge of Allah against satan), before reading again. If people nearby are occupied in their work, reading in a low voice is appreciated, otherwise reading loudly is more rewarding.

The Mashaik have mentioned six external and six internal rules of reverence for ready the Holly Quran, which are given below.

Rules of (External) Reverence

1. Perform wuduk and then sit facing qiblah in an extremely dignified manner.

2. Do not proceed fast, but read with measure and correct pronunciation.

3. Try to weep, even if you have to compel yourself to do so.

4. The respose to ayat of mercy of punishment should be as explained above.

5. Reading should be in a low voice, if insincerity is apprehended on own part or disturbance is caused to others. Otherwise read in a loud voice.

6. Read in a melodious voice, because there are numerous hadith laying emphasis on this.

Rules of (Internal) Reverence

1. The heart should be full of the glory of Quran. i.e. realizing how sublime it is.

2. Bear in the heart the Loftiness, Majesty and Magnificence of Almighty Allah, whose Revelation the Quran.

3. The heart should be free from distraction and doubts.

4. Dwell upon the meanings and enjoy reading it.

Rasullullah s.a.w once spent the whole night reading over and over again the following ayat;

“If thou should chastise them, they are Thy servants, and if Thou should forgive them, Thou art the Mighty, the Wise” (V:118)

Once Said ibni Jubair r.a, spent the whole night repeating the following ayat ;

“And withdraw aside today, O guilty one !” (XXXVI:59)

5. Submit your heart to the subject-matter of the verses you reading. For instance, on ayat containing the message of mercy, the heart should be filled with delight. And on ayat of chastisement, the heart should tremble with awe.

6. The ears should be made as attentive as if Almighty Allah Himself is speaking and the reader is listening to Him.

May Allah, out of his mercy and kindness, grant all of us the ability to read the quran according to these rules of reverence.

A Religious Principle

The memorizing of that much of the Glorious Quran as is necessary for (the offering of) Solat (Islamic way of worshipping Allah) is obligatory for every muslim, whereas memorizing the whole of the Holy Quran is Fardu Kifayah i.e. an act obligatory on all, but which may suffice if performed by an adequate number. If there were not single hafiz (may Allah forbid) all the muslim would be held responsible for this sin. Mulla Ali Qari (Rahmatullahalaih) has further report from Zarkashi that if, in town or a village, there were no person to read the Holy Quran, all the muslim inhabitants of that place would be considered sinful. In this age of darkness and ignorance when the muslims have become misguided in respect of many aspects of islam. It is generally considered useless and stupid to memorize the quran and sheer waste of time and metal energy to repeat its words without understanding their meaning. If this were the only case or our aversion to faith, something in detail could be written about it. But today all our acts are erring and all our thoughts are leading us astray. For how many should one wail and about how many should one complain.

“So to Allah do we complain and from Him do we seek help”

Shaikhul Hadith Maulana
Muhammad Zakariya Kandhalvi.

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